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Although, I must admit, for a guy who just wants to use girls, at least he tried to be a gentleman.
Weezer's Self-Titled Red Album has been this week's highlight of music blogger bashing (unless these bloggers got ahold of the leaked version the week before) Everyone and their mom hates it. I feel kind of bad. I have been following Weezer since I was in middle school. When I listen to the Red Album, I'm not quite sure how to feel. As a longtime fan, I feel this forced need to hate it. But as this fan, I feel I like it because it is Weezer. The Red Album's tracks bear a similarity to their CD cover; an awkward spinoff from something I once knew. Listening to the Red Album alone, without the knowledge of Weezer's previous work, I believe this album is pretty okay. Go ahead, comment below about how much you want me to die and how disgraceful of a fan I am, whatever.
I'm not a music blogger and I do not intend to be, so I am not going to sit here and detail every track for you. What I will say is this: The Red Album may not be great, but it is a mile ahead of Make Believe and I was not too much of a fan of Maladroit either. So you can go on now and rant about how much it sucks, but I don't think it's as bad as everyone else is making it out to be.
At least Pork and Beans is 99.9% better as the album's first single in comparison to Beverly Hills for Make Believe. Ugh.